Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"10 to 100" Workout

We did a workout in class this week at the Arboretum and North Austin Locations called "10 to 100."  Sounds awesome, right?  Well, it is.

Here's the deal (and OF COURSE you can "steal" these workouts and do them at home on your own)..... pick 10 exercises of your choice.  Write them down on pieces of paper or notecards (split them in half to save paper!).  Take the cards, shuffles them and pick the cards one by one.  The first exercise you pick you will do 10 reps, the second card you picks means you will do 20 reps of that exercise, the third card 30 and so on..... alllllllll the way up to 100.  Yes, 100.  You may or may not regret picking burpees as one of your exercises but then again, I doubt any of you actually CHOOSE to do burpees unless forced to somehow.  As far as your exercises, I suggest mixing it up......legs, arms, cardio, core, etc

Need a few ideas?  Watch our the video on the homepage!


1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a great idea! I'll definitely try it out!
