Monday, November 22, 2010

Are you creating your own life?

Take a moment to look at the circumstances of your world. Is it what you want to see? What could you do differently to take one step closer to your ideal vision? We're all dealt different hands in life. That's how things are. To change things, you have to first accept that fact, then figure out where to go from here. We should all be able to count on each other for help, but in the end, we can't expect anyone to change our lives except ourselves. Nor should we want it that way. It's natural to feel powerless and give up in the face of hardships, but complaining and blaming do nothing except prevent action. Without positive action, you're giving up your power and asking for more of the same--a world you did not create. Where you start may not be your fault, but the course you run is still your choosing.  -From

I really love this little blurb....especially that last line.  When applying this to health and fitness, it reminds of the the fact that your weight is something like 40% genetics.  Yes, that's a big chunk right there but it is still less than half and you still have the choice to participate in a healthy lifestyle (of fitness and nutrition) despite the circumstances you were born with.  Yes, some of us are genetically disadvantaged and vice versa but that doesn't mean we're destined to look or feel like our parents!

Chew on that one for a while!

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