Monday, February 21, 2011

Workout - BBBW (Beautiful by Body Weight)

You probably all know by now that I love body weight exercises.  I love play with fun stuff like kettle bells, Dynamax Balls, Bands and other torture devices but my favorite exercises are the ones where you use nothing but your body weight.  "Your body is your business and you only have an inventory of one" is a quote I just read in the book, Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander (great read by the way!).  This body is an amazing thing.  Treat it right and it will do just about anything you ask it to do.  But it starts by being able to move just it and nothing else.  If you are not strong enough to move your body around efficiently, then there's no use in adding a ton of weight.  Get your form and technique down first before you jump in.  Start with the basics, have fun with it and make it a game if you'd like!

Grad a 6-sided die and think of 6 different exercises.  Assign a number to each exercise.  Roll the die and then do the exercise along with THAT numbers of reps.  If you assign push-up to the #1, then do one push-up!  But then roll again and move right along to the next exercise.  Do it for time periods of 3-5 minutes and shoot for 8-10 rounds with 1:00 rest in between.

1- Push-up
2 - Squat jump
3 - Burpee with push-up
4 - Jumping Jacks
5 - Side Planks (on hands)
6 - Up-Downs

Have Fun!

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