Ok, so it’s time for me to re-visit my 90 day challenge goals. I have to admit, my 90 day challenge is going mediocre at best. The reason I say this is that my exercise has been OK but not as consistent as I would like. My nutrition has also been OK. I give myself an 8 out of 10 on most days but there have been too many 6 out of 10 days recently. I also know that I actually ENJOY eating a 10 out of 10 lifestyle (meaning nothing fried, processed, dipped in butter, packed with preservative, etc).
I have let stresses a busy schedule get in the way and have caught myself eating out more than I’d like. So I would say I have been “convenience” eating. I know exactly when it’s happening and there isn’t a lot I can do at the moment when I’m starving and I’m out and about. My decisions become limited to what’s around me when I am in that situation (do you feel this happening to you a lot as well?). So the lesson learned here is PREPARATION. When I have properly prepared myself with a container of left-overs, healthy grab-and-go snacks like nuts then I can feed my muscles, keep my metabolism up and hold off hunger until I can make a better and non-rushed decision on what food I will eat. So again, being prepared is so important.
One other point I would like to make is about motivation and analytical measurement. When I say measurement, I mean anything from stepping on the scale and getting your weight, doing your body fat % or taking circumference measurements. I am going to do some measurements this week to see where I’m at even though I would guess they aren’t where I want them to be. Taking measurement and seeing where I am, extremely motivates me. This is because I know it’s in my power to improve. The numbers does not drive me by any means but I look at it with an athlete’s perseverance and mentality. If I make an error or mess up, the game isn’t over. I need to pick myself up and get back in the game. A perfect example is the MVP of the World Series this year, Brian Freese. He made a crucial error in game 7 by dropping a fly ball early on. He could have hung his head, pouted and thought “man, I messed this up for my team.” But he didn’t. He got right back in there, didn’t let the past affect his future and hit the game-winning homerun. He chose his own fate. You can choose yours as well.
Measuring, however, can be de-motivating to some people. If you think that taking your measurements will cause you to be upset, cloud your goals and vision of what you are trying to accomplish……..then DON’T DO IT! You need to know yourself on this one and you know yourself best.
If you’ve made mistakes and aren’t happy with where you are at right now, don’t feel bad or hang your head. Your future is ahead of you and you are in control. If it is a lack of knowledge and you just don’t KNOW what to do next or what goals you should have then seek counsel. We would be happy to answer any of your questions at Boot Camp U whether it’s about exercise, nutrition, motivation, energy, goal setting, etc. Just talk to your trainer or ask me by emailing robyn@bootcampUaustin.com. My passion is helping people realize a healthy lifestyle of activity and proper nutrition…..so FIRE AWAY!
~Coach Robyn
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