Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 1 :)

Day 1 and we're off and running! I woke up at 5am and was totally excited to get this 90 Day Challenge started. I've always liked a good challenge, and it doesn't get much better than challenging yourself to take it to the next level in w/e it may be. This challenge happens to be mostly a physical challenge, but it will definitely be a mental challenge as well. The great news is I'll have a lot of people out there helping to keep me honest, and provide motivation/encouragement.

So what exactly do I want to get out of this challenge?? My goals are:
-To tone up - especially arms and tummy
-Lose 2% Body Fat to bring my number under 20% (starting # is 21.5%)
-Perform cardio work 4 times/week
-Light strength/cross training 3 times/week
-Kick butt in the San Antonio Half-Marathon on 11/13

My supplement routine will consist of:
Spark - for mental clarity & focus
Catalyst - aid in toning while preserving lean muscle mas (very important)!!!
Thermoplus - help boost that metabolism
Meal Replacement Shakes (MRS)- breakfast, quick/easy way to get morning protein & DELICIOUS
MNS Max 3 - enhance my eating program & help fill in any nutritional gaPS
O2 Gold - enhance oxygen delivery throughout the body. Always a good thing!
Post Workout Recovery shake - post workout goodness to help with repair & recovery of the muscles
Rehydrate - proper hydration & electrolyte balance

Today was a light strength workout day, so I did one of my new favorite workouts. 100 reps of each of the following: Push Ups, Squats, Crunches, Dips, Bicep Curls. Got the heart rate up & definitely felt a good muscle burn!! Tomorrow will be a big cardio day!

I am ready to kick some booty! :)

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