So I will get to my 90 day challenge updates here at the end but I had something else on my mind. Last week was a rough week for me. Lots going on...good, bad, stressful...the whole she-bang. I think I felt every emotion in the books this week. Everything going on led me to do a lot of thinking. I tend to think and analyze on a regular basis (some times too much) but I tend to do so even more when something is bothering me. Anyway, I was thinking about what I do for a living (which also happens to be closely tied with my personal life as well). I love what I do. And it might sound like a complaint that I work every waking hour but it's not. It's the nature of my profession and I love that I get to do what I am passionate about and get to surround myself with amazing people. Every waking day is an opportunity for me to impact someone's life in a positive manner. Doesn't get any better.
I digress..... So when I analyzed what I do every day of my life and what things make me a good entrepreneur, what things I can improve upon, what things I do well, what assets I have, etc.... I realized that the most important thing I have going for me is that I am not afraid to dream. Not only am I not afraid to dream.....but I am not afraid to chase after my dreams. When I want something, I go after it. Not in a malicious manner and without knocking down everything and everyone in my path, but I go for it big time. I don't let much stand in my way. I dream every day. Sometimes they change, sometimes they evolve, sometimes it's more of a "vision," but I am always thinking about what I want, what I'd like my future to look like, what makes me happy and then ultimately....HOW do I achieve that? (<------ that is the most important step!)
I could probably ramble on but I doubt you all wanna hear it :-) It's just been one of those weeks where I feel like my decisions and actions could affect the rest of my life. I LOVE LOVE LOVE having control over my life and my career and having choices/options are good. But some times they are scary. So this leads me to my conclusion and my favorite quote that I try to live by..... "FEEL THE FEAR. AND DO IT ANYWAYS."
So I encourage all of you to dream a little. And don't just dream to dream and then say "well, it won't ever happen" or "well it would be nice if that maybe happened....some day...." Make it a realistic, obtainable and concrete dream and then start making steps towards achieving it. Even small ones...
90 Day Challenge Updates for the week:
-Eating is SPOT-ON. I had a cheat day where I had some pizza and a beer (and consequently paid for it), but other than that, it's been lots of protein, lots of veggies, fruits (trying to incorporate more), and nuts. I've been good at staying away from wheat, soy and dairy (minus the pizza).
-Exercise - not as much as I would have liked. I could give the "too stressed out excuse" but it's not a good enough one. Honestly, I wasn't mentally motivated at all for a few days. However, I turned it around and the end of the week. Friday was my first chance to relax all week and after kicking it for a few hours, I decided that going for a run to clear my mind would be fun. And it was. Then today I did a crossfit workout which was 30 clean and jerks with 65 pounds for time (5:15). Great overall body workout using every muscle in the body.
~Coach Robyn (written 10/15/11)
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