Thursday, October 20, 2011

Love Your Muscles...

Check out this video to see why I was so sore last weekend.  It's from the event I went to called Barbells 4 Boobs benefitting Mammograms in Action.

It's really fun to throw heavy weights around :-)  I hadn't really done a clean since my days as a college athlete.  Not because I don't like it, but mainly because it's not often you come across a barbell and some weights.....especially when you refuse to purchase a gym membership.  Barbells run rampant at Crossfit Boxes so I am going to hang out there a bit more.  My 90-Day goal of gaining lean muscle mass requires proper action to achieve it (just like reaching any goal).  If I remain doing body weight activities, it will keep my cardio up and I will MAINTAIN muscle mass.  But if I am looking to increase muscle mass, then I must INCREASE LOAD.

The same goes for all of you guys.  If you have been brining out 5 lb dumb bells to boot camp and the exercises aren't as hard as they used to be, that's a good thing because your muscles have adapted (gotten stronger).  But keep increasing that weight to keep increasing your results.

So why would you want to increase your lean muscle mass?  Good question.  A few reasons.  Muscle drives your metabolism, fat does not.  So if you want to burn more calories, then you need more muscle.  Muscle also takes up 3 times less space than fat does.  So if you want to be smaller, then you need more muscle.  CHeck out this pic below for a visual.

But remember, you can't just build muscle with exercise.  A bi part of growing, building and repairing muscle is your nutrition.  Make sure you are eating protein-focused meals and snacks throughout the day.  If you are not getting 100 grams of protein with the foods you are eating, consider using a protein shake to help meet your body's requirements.  Also, consider an amino acid supplement.  Amino acids are what your body use to make protein.  I have increased my Catalyst (amino acid) intake and can tell a big difference.  It may sound strange but my skin feels tighter and I look more tone.

At the end of this month, I will do a one month check-in and see where I'm at as far as body fat %.  I am curious to see what my change is so far.  Thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment below!

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