You know, I was thinking about this yesterday as I commenced my 90 day
fitness and
nutrition challenge. Most people go into the last 2-3 months of the year with the mindset of just "letting go" until January 1st. Most people do not have the mindset of creating new goals, staying on top of their workout routine (or maybe even increasing it), not falling into the trap of over indulging at holiday parties, etc as we get to the latter part of the year. Well, it really comes down to the fact that your body
NEVER takes a holiday. It still requires the same love and attention (aka
nutrition and
exercise) that it did on January 1st, the same attention that it did when you decided you wanted to look good in a bikini for summer and the same attention it needs when you committed to being a healthy example for your kids or others around you. It dawned on me today how strange it may be to set out to achieve quite possibly the most lofty physical goals I have set out to achieve for myself since the days of being a college athlete. Which is funny because even then I didn't really create my own goals. I just worked hard at the goals set out for me by my coaches and training staff. So now I'm on my own to fend for myself. The owner of a
fitness business who has admittedly not been on top of her workout routine (at least on regular basis) since starting
Boot Camp U Austin. This may surprise you for many reasons but most people are surprised because of one main reason......I look no different today than I did two years ago. Well, the reason for this is that I have stayed on top of, and even improved on, my
nutrition. I have continually cleaned up my diet over the past two years and in the past year's time, have added
Advocare supplements to my
nutrition routine.
Having said all this, I am still not satisfied. Not with the way I look but with the way my body functions. I have nagging knee issues that, I believe, are a direct results of my lack of regular strength training in the past 2 years. I just don't feel functionally strong for what I do and for what I know my body is capable of. It's time to change.
This is one of the reasons that Coach
Kim Kravanya and I have decided to take on this
challenge. We decided that we need to stop SAYING and TALKING about the things we want to achieve (how many of you out there find yourself saying "I should do this" or "I should do that..." over and over) and just do it! We are putting ourselves out there to you guys in order to hold ourselves accountable, to show you that we, too, are human and to also teach you that in order to obtain your goals, you need to write them down. And don't forget to tell others. Write down WHY you are doing it (because if your WHY is strong enough, you will do whatever it takes) and what you will do to get there (your plan of action).
Ok, so here are my 90 day goals:
- Increase my lean muscle mass by 5-7lbs
- Decrease body fat % by 2%
- Completely clear up digestive issues
- Decrease or completely eliminate knee pain (I would like to run the Austin Half Marathon in Feb 2012)
- I will foam roam and stretch daily
How I plan to achieve this:
-2-3 days a week of strength-training focused
exercise (For me, this will mean a boot camp style workout. The same as you do, with increasing weight as time goes on. I will be doing the same exercises with 10, 15 and 20lb weights.)
- I will attend at least one crossfit class at (like the ones at
Crossfit Texas) per week
- Run at least once per week
- I will also add some cross-training activities to my routine like Mountain biking, trail running,
SUPing, kayaking, hiking and Yoga
Nutrition - Foods
- I will concentrate on a very protein-focused diet (getting at least 100 grams per day)
- Drink at least 100 oz of water daily
- Eat very clean diet that is focused on eating foods that are as close to their natural form as possible
- Reduce Dairy, Wheats, Soy, Refined Sugars (I eat very similar to Paleo)
Nutrition - Supplement Routine - using Advocare Nutrition Products
Catalyst &
Thermoplus every morning with my first
MNS MAX 3 vitamin pack
- 15 minutes later a
Meal Replacement Shake (24 grams of pre-digested protein and 24 grams of time-released carbs that don't spike your blood sugar)
- mid-morning snack (I shoot for about 15 grams of protein in this snack)
- Second packet of
MNS MAX 3 vitamins before lunch, third and fourth packet after lunch (lunch I try to get 30-40 grams of protein)
- Another
Spark and
Catalyst mid-day (3:00ish)
Muscle Gain Protein shake (25 grams protein per serving) before boot camp or PM training
- Protein focused dinner with limited carbs (mostly from veggies, shooting for 30-50 grams protein)
- After dinner, I take
Omegaplex (omega 3s and 6s),
Joint Promotion and
Probiotic Restore
- Before bed, I take
Night-time Recovery
Nutriton - Workout Supplement Routine - Using Advocare Nutrition Products
Pre workout-
Catalyst, O2 Gold and
Rehydrate (I add
Mass Impact if strength training,
Arginine Extreme if it's a cardio workout)
During workout -
After workout -
Post-Workout Recovery shake
I will also be going to see Dr. Dave Cohodes at
Redline Sports Therapy so that he can make sure that my body is prepared for battle as well as recovering properly. I love going to him because he isn't focused on one body part solely. He works on my knees when needed, sometimes my shoulders, my IT band, my calves, etc. He treats my body as a WHOLE and since our body works synergistically, I believe that is the way it should be.
So anyway.....those are my goals and how I plan to achieve them. Feel free to follow my journey, encourage me and ask me questions along the way to keep me on track. YOU are the ones that inspire me to do this. I get to see how hard you guys work day in and day out. So thank you!